“In the garden of marriage, despite the thorns of challenges, flowers of love could bloom”
Sheikh Sa’dullah Khan was chairperson of the MSA at University of Durban-Westville (now UKZN) and an activist in the anti-apartheid struggle. Having memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight under Shaykh Saleh Abadi; he has undertaken studies in Law (South Africa), Journalism (Britain) and Islamic Studies (Egypt and USA). He has presented papers at numerous international conferences in Malaysia, Belgium, Nigeria, Egypt, USA, Iran, Morocco, Botswana, Canada, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Kuwait, Mexico, India and Turkey.
He is the author of Dimensions of the Qur’an and co-translator of classical Arabic text Risalah al-Mustarshideen (Epistle for the Seekers of Guidance). He has appeared on SABC, NBC, History Channel, IIS, ITV, IRNA, Turkish ATV and was a founder member of the Islamic College of Southern Africa (now International Peace College of South Africa).
He has been engaged in academic and religious studies programmes and has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for over two decades. He has been an inspiring religious leader and an lecturer for the past 25 years. He is currently the CEO of Islamia College in Cape Town and continues to serve as an education consultant and a motivational speaker.