“Marriage is all about human relationships in Islam”
Dr Haifaa Younis has also Studied with various shuyukh individually for more than 18 years in the United states USA and Jeddah, on many subjects such as Aqeeda, Fiqh, Usool-ul-Fiqh, Hadeeth and Tazkiyya (Purification of the Soul). She is also a Practicing Physician certified American board Obstetrician and Gynecologist.
Dr Haifaa Younis is Founder and chairman of Jannah Institute of Quran and Islamic studies, ST Louis, USA; and teaches seminars on the thematic commentary of various chapters of the Holy Quran and their practical relevance in our day to day living and offers retreats on key topics that inspire hearts, combining the inner essence of Islam with the outward expression of practice.
She has conducted lectures, Retreats, and seminars in many states in the USA, throughout South Africa, Australia, Pakistan, Dubai and in Jeddah.